
French Voices award

Our Lady of the Nile wins the Grand Prix of the French Voices Award!

Awards - Scholastique - August 27, 2015

Scholastique Mukasonga’s Our Lady of the Nile was awarded the prestigious French Voices Award for 2014. This year, the French Voices grant sponsored by the…

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The Arts Fuse Book Review: “Our Lady of the Nile” by Scholas tique mukasonga — Prefiguring Rwandan Genocide

Fuse Book Review: “Our Lady of the Nile” — Prefiguring Rwandan Genocide

Reviews - Scholastique - August 27, 2015

Here’s a review by John Taylor on my novel ‘Our Lady of the Nile’ published in the The Arts Fuse Boston’s online arts magazine.

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World Literature Today : Our lady of the Nile - Scholastique Mukasonga

World Literature Today : Our lady of the Nile

Reviews - Scholastique - August 27, 2015

You can read a review by Andreea Gabudeanu on my novel ‘Our lady of the Nile‘, published by Archipelago, in the March edition of the…

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Scholastique Mukasongafinalis for the Emerging Voices Award - Financila Times - OppenheimerFunds

‘Our Lady of the Nile’ finalist for the Emerging Voices Awards 2015

Awards - Scholastique - August 27, 2015

I have the great pleasure to announce you that my novel ‘Our Lady of the Nile’ is selected for the shorlist for the Financial Times…

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Our Lady of the Nile by Scholastiqemukasonga - rwanda genocide Tutsi novel memoir

Our Lady of the Nile

Books - Scholastique - August 27, 2015

Our Lady of the Nile by Scholastique Mukasonga Translated from French by Melanie Mauthner Publisher: Archipelago (September 16, 2014) Purchase ‘Our Lady of the Nil’…

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