Roy Miller interview Jill Schoolman

Jill Schoolman - Archipelago Books

Vous pouvez lire sur le blog de Roy Miller un interview de Jill Schoolman, la fondatrice de Archipelago Books qui a publié Notre-Dame du Nil (Our Lady of Nile), Inyenzi ou les Cafards (Cockroaches) et publiera cette année La Femme aux pieds nus.

Jill Schoolman, founder and publisher of Brooklyn-based Archipelago Books, is pretty fearless despite her petite frame and soft voice, which you’ll never hear on a smartphone because she doesn’t own one, even though I offer to go with her to a nearby cellular phone store. Her priority is simple: find, translate, edit, and publish essential foreign-language texts. The name, Archipelago, expresses how Schoolman sees her book list: as a collection of disparate narratives with individual shapes and ecosystems all swirling about in a landscape of different countries, languages, authors, translators, and voices, but uniting to promote global understanding in the sea that is good literature.

Lire l’interview complet sur le blog de Roy Miller.