Los Angeles Times sélectionnE l’igifu parmi les 10 great Book 2020
Le quotidien américain Los Angeles Times a choisi l’Igifu dans sa sélection des 10 Great Book that got lost in the noise of 2020.
Découvrez la sélection complète de Hillary Kelly sur le site du Los Angeles Times.
Mon recueil de nouvelle L’igifu a été traduit par Jordan Stump et édité par Archipelago Book en 2020.
In “Grief,” the final story in this trim collection, Mukasonga writes about a young woman very much like herself, abroad in France in the early 1990s when she receives a letter from her native Rwanda. It contains a long list of names, “her father, her mother, her brothers, her sisters, her uncles, her aunts, her nephews, her nieces…. This was now the list of her dead, of everyone who had died far away from her, without her, and there was nothing she could do for them, not even die with them.” Mukasonga has been writing autobiographical stories about her upbringing and Rwanda’s genocide for years, but “Igifu” may be her brightest, most eye-opening work yet.
Hillary Kelly du Los Angeles Times